Correspondent’s message
We have been witnessing amazing changes in the educational sector in the past two decades. It is indeed the right time to explore newer methods of teaching and learning to the next generation students. The roles of students and teachers have undergone a dramatic change There is an added emphasis on self learning and more application based learning. Education in India needs to be based more on developing skills and application Considering our huge population the policies have to be planned keeping the majority in mind and specially the underprivileged and poor.
Advancement of technology has led to a situation where there is a breakdown of communication in families,school and society at large. Communication is an essential aspect of learning. In schools and colleges we have tried to perfect speaking skills but not listening skills. Reading habit is as good as dead among the student community. As such students are not concerned about what is happening in the world specially with regard to climate change or environment. They are totally immersed in the world of artificial intelligence and virtual reality. They live in their comfort zones and are totally unaware of the crisis situations that govern humanity at this point of time. They should be aware and concerned enough to act about problems that affect humanity at large. Exposure to the realities will create a feeling of right and wrong in them and help them to face crisis situations in life instead of giving up on them.Adequate self empowerment is the need of the day and educational institutions should tune themselves to make students empowered to face challenges and overcome crisis situations.
At Excelsior we try to give attention to their holistic development. I believe that each child is unique, a miracle of God’s creation. No two children are alike. So every child has to be nurtured to develop and mature as per his or her capability. This the reason why our motto is Excellent in quality, Small in size. We really believe in the happiness quotient of children and emphasize Happy Schooling. Times have changed and so have children. Unless we look at this with a new perspective, education will loose its relevance.
We are living in a world full of promises despite many problems and negativities.The ongoing Covid 19 pandemic in itself is an example of this. But humanity has overcome many calamities in the past like two world wars, the holocaust, natural calamities like earthquakes, landslips, floods, Drought, Tsunami and now the Corona crisis. So this too will pass and we must work towards making the earth a safer place for the future generations.