Student Council
A duly elected Student Council through a democratic process functions as a full- fledged student body
with responsibilities ranging from student programmes, school assemblies, discipline and all intra-school
activities that are an integral part of the school. We select students who are smart with initiative,
leadership skills and willingness to work towards a happy environment at school. There is a formal
Investiture ceremony, usually undertaken by the Social Science Department. All students from Class V
and above cast a vote by secret ballot. This is a body that instills students with positive attitude and
proactive behavior to mould them into the future citizens of India.

Kushal Jain
Head Boy

Angela Elizabeth John
Head Girl

Evan Jacob
Junior School Head Boy

Liz Fancis Jai
Junior School Head Girl

Mathew Thomas
Junior School Deputy Head Boy

Joanna Mariam Mithun
Junior School Deputy Head Girl

Niranjana Hari
Deputy Head Girl

Samuel Zachariah
Vice Captain - Games & Sports

Mathew Sony
Event Manager

V Abhinav
Asst. Event Manager

Athira Jojo
Cultural Captain

Eva Ajay
Asst. Cultural Captain

Tania Abraham
Magazine Editor

Anoushka Sara Abraham
Asst. Magazine Editor

Joju Stany Pothen
Captain Calypso House

Philip Libu Philip
Asst. Captain Calypso House

Paul J Illickan
Captain Titan House

Megha Maria George
Vice Captain Titan House

Shilpa Mary Rajesh
Captain Ariel House

Paul K Cherry
Vice Captain Ariel House

Neil Philip Varghese
Captain Prometheus House

Harry Zach Mathew
Vice Captain Prometheus House

Yashit Jain
Literary Captain

Jerin Mathew Padeettakara
Vice Captain Literary
Subject Captain

Yashwin Jain
Computer Science

Aksa Susan Binu

Anjana Vinod

Esha Elizabeth Jomy

Tiya Mary George

C Abraham Itticheria
Vocational Subjects