Excelsior English School

Online Activity

When the Covid 19 pandemic struck the world the most pertinent question raised was about school.

It was a challenge how education from the youngest kids to the oldest could be carried out.

The fact that children would not attend school was a harsh reality.

The next question was will 2020 turn out to be a zero academic year.

An answer to this issue was arrived at when the prospect of online learning was explored.

Numerous platforms became active in March 2020. It was left to the educators to make the best choice.

Like all schools we also explore various options. Research and development team was formed at school and they experimented with various learning platforms, ultimately zeroed in to Microsoft Teams platform which we found to be user friendly and learner friendly.

We have not looked back since then. Although it involved a lot of effort and perseverance, we successfully launched it in June and has been our lifeline since then.

Classes have been going on extremely well and although online teaching and learning is no substitute for real school,in the given
circumstances this is the best solution we could implement.It has also enabled various activities like cultural fest, online test papers,
competitions and festival and other important celebrations to be carried out as part of curricular and extra- curricular activities.