Under 16 boys Basketball & Under 19 girls Basketball The Excelsior basketball team participated in the annual Baselion Public School. The event encompassed various categories, including boys under 12, 16, and 19, as well as girls under 19. Excelsior bagged the trophies in the under-16 boys’ category and the under-19 girls’ category. Jake Chackochi and Lisa Liju Kurian were honored with the Best Player Awards for their outstanding performances in the respective categories.
Under 16 boys Basketball & Under 19 girls Basketball The Excelsior basketball team participated in the annual Baselion Public School. The event encompassed various categories, including boys under 12, 16, and 19, as well as girls under 19. Excelsior bagged the trophies in the under-16 boys’ category and the under-19 girls’ category. Jake Chackochi and Lisa Liju Kurian were honored with the Best Player Awards for their outstanding performances in the respective categories.
Central Sahodaya Basketball tournament
Central Sahodaya Basketball tournament
Central Sahodaya Basketball tournament
Central Sahodaya Basketball tournament
Central Sahodaya Basketball tournament
Kerala Sports Day 2023-’24
Our student Thomas Mathew grade X has been selected to the Kottayam District Youth Basketball Boys Team. Congratulations……