Director's Message
The concept of schooling has undergone a paradigm shift in the past 3 decades. When we started Excelsior 28 years back our idea was to run a small school with excellent quality. And I feel proud that 28 years. down the road we have been able maintain that tradition.
A small school is built on the concept of a closer working relationship between teachers parents and students. It is the need of these times when society has undergone a drastic change and relationships have attained new definitions. We need to move with the times and Excelsior has always been a pioneer in adopting new technologies and ideas that are important to make the learning revolution happen in the lives of student community.
We were one of the first schools in Kerala to respond to the covid challenge and shift to online learning platform. Microsoft Teams which we use is very user friendly and learner friendly. The teaching fraternity really needs to be appreciated for adopting the concept without any problems. They have all learned on the job and have become really professional at it.
2020 will be earmarked as a zero academic year but we have made a sincere effort to see that students don’t miss out on one year of learning. It is tough on teachers parents and students ,but the pandemic has changed all equations in life. Never in our recent human history has a pandemic of such magnitude affected human lives. It personifies the fragility of human lives and the environment we live in.
Let’s all hope and pray that 2021 will usher in glad tidings and life will get back to normal soon.