Excelsior English School

Annual Report

 The 28th Annual Day Report presented  on March 10, 2021 by Ms.Shirin Chandy (Principal).

On behalf of the Excelsior family I would like to thank God Almighty for His richest blessings on this institution. As we look back this past year, we are grateful for all the favors in all the facets of school life. We are thankful for the patronage of all who wish us well, our parent community, for supportive management, our committed faculty, our young and exuberant scholars, our dedicated support system and all those who are connected in some way or the other to our success story.

At Excelsior we strive to bring in this harmony in our teaching learning sessions and in our partnering with our parents and well- wishers.  We strive to attain the true goal of education while upholding the school motto – Excellent in quality, small in size.

 The academic theme for year 2020 was – Providing an educational realm to build scholars with global competence, self and social awareness, ethical behavior, civil responsibilities and thereby achieve the true goal of education.

Over the years, education has shifted paradigms to fit in with the then accepted trends in education. Today what is important is to infuse education with sustainable development.

“Till date, we’ve been focusing on ‘what to think’ in our education policy. In the NEP 2020, we’re focusing on ‘How to Think’. This will make Indians more empowered and easily attractive to opportunities. We’re moving to a new era where an individual will not be confined to a single profession all his life. Thus, he will continuously need to re-skill and up-skill himself. This is what NEP will help achieve” – Shri Narendra Modi

Education for sustainable development (ESD) promotes the development of the knowledge, skills, understanding, values and actions required to create a sustainable world, which ensures environmental protection and conservation, promotes social equity and encourages economic sustainability. Keeping this in mind school education has made numerous remarkable changes like Experiential learning, Art integrated learning being infused into the traditional framework of school learning processes. This prepares the child to think critically about various aspects he comes across in his textbooks and relate it to real life situations.

The AISSE and AISSCE results were exemplary this year. The highest merit accorded by CBSE (i.e. A1 grades) were attained by 6 students in Grade XII individually. Above 80% of students achieved distinction in AISSE and 80% in AISSCE in this academic year with 22 students securing 90% and above.

Excelsior has been consistently maintaining high academic excellence year after year with God’s grace and I consider it my privilege to say that a huge percentage of the credit for this success goes to my colleagues who are committed in training the students to perform excellently. A number of students of every batch have now started out on courses in prestigious institutions across the country. We have alumni at St.Stephen’s Delhi, EFLU Hyderabad, Christ University , Bangalore, Institute of Hotel Management, Bangalore, Chitrakala Academy, Bangalore, Kottayam Medical College to mention a few. A few of them have started new businesses on their own in the field of textile designing, as restaurateur, yoga and classical dance trainers, bakers make- up artists, hair stylists and so on.  As you have noticed our students have successfully ventured into a number of varied courses and we wish them all the best for their higher studies and in their prospective careers.

With the onset of the Corona pandemic and the realization that classes will have to be given through an online platform, we decided on Microsoft Teams as the most compatible one for our teachers and students. Few weeks of intensive training made our educators ready to conduct online classes and we were one of the first schools to go online in the teaching learning process this year. Online schooling went smoothly right through the year with all the activities we could perform online. Tests, celebration of festivals(Onam and Christmas), competitions(Youth fest, Ripples, Department wise competitions), Home Economics activities and class teacher activities. We introduced a new learning project titled Q Series which was for students of grades 6-9. Every week the students received a set of 20 questions based on Current affairs, G.K, Science, Technology, History to build their knowledge. A week’s time was given to arrive at the answers. The mentor teachers would then conduct a class to discuss the answers.

Though the year had its limitations and we had to conduct a number of activities in the online mode, we were able to accomplish the results we were looking at.

Many of our students secured laurels in co curricular activities also. Niya Ann Abraham bagged 3 gold medals for roller skating in the Kottayam district level and the bronze in the state level. Since classes were online this year, our students across the school (secondary and senior secondary) participated in the Stay Fit programme , an initiative by the Kerala Olympic Association and CBSE. The students were given fitness schedules every day for 30 minutes to help maintain physical and mental stamina and keep them from the problems of obesity due to the forced stay-at-home during the lockdown days. Some of our students secured certificates for their performance in the quiz and physical activities conducted by them.

Students conducted World Environment day with PPT, posters, manufacture of sanitisers and masks, creating lock down games and writing poems on environmental sensitivity. Grade X students conducted a debate on EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment). The students researched into the subject and came up with numerous key factors relating to this and helped build awareness regarding this topic to their fellow class mates.

A new PTA was constituted for the year 2021 with 16 members consisting of parents and the academic council members. Mr.Mathew Philip was nominated as the President and Ms. Amitha Joxy as the Recording Secretary. The members were updated on the activities in the school.

PCM Teaches’ Award 2021 shortlisted 250 videos out of 1140 sent to them on online teaching during this year as the theme. Ms. Amitha Joxy and Ms.Della Abraham are among the shortlisted teachers. They had prepared and submitted videos on their respective subjects. They received certificates and medals as prizes. Ms. Della Abraham was also announced the winner of the National competition titled ‘Teachers are Artists” (under Art Integrated Learning category) hosted by Macmillian.

A new E-learning policy was drafted and sent out to all the parents and students of the school to abide by the terms and conditions for Online classes. With this kind of situation it was safer to keep the students from any kind of online crime  or activity where their security was at stake.

 The PTC sessions were held online to intimate our parents about the progress of their wards entrusted to us. Our testing system continually helps us evaluate the students and in the process helps them to realise their potential. The school coordinators keep the academic machinery running smoothly as they coordinate academic and non- academic activities conducted through the year.

Though it was a tough transition from smartboards to keyboards, the faculty at Excelsior took on the challenge to mentor the students in their care with utmost commitment and determination.

Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develop. We are able to shape a better society to live in by understanding and respecting rights, laws, and regulations. Education can stimulate economic growth indirectly, by increasing innovation, productivity, and human capital. Education also has a history of fostering positive social change, by encouraging things like political participation, social equality, and environmental sustainability.

Education is the most empowering force in the world. It creates knowledge, builds confidence, and breaks down barriers to opportunity. For children, it is their key to open the door to a better life. The role of education as an agent or instrument of social change and social development is widely recognized today.  Education can initiate social changes by bringing about a change in outlook and attitude of man. It can bring about a change in the pattern of social relationships and thereby it can cause social changes. This is what we as educators are doing…helping to create a generation of critical thinkers and collaborators who can be the stalwarts in the country in the future.

Wishing you all the best in the coming year…..


Shirin Chandy
